Bharathi Kannan

Siegen, Germany.

Hi đŸ‘‹, I am a Student, Programmer, Blogger and Software Developer. I am from India and I am currently pursuing Master's in Computer Science at University of Siegen, Germany. I am passionate about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain and its related fields. In my free time I write blogs related to machine learning in my personal blog page to educate the next generation of technology users.



Alpha Testor and Mentor

Alpha Testing new courses from Deeplearning.AI to ensure the quality of their courses before it is available on Coursera.
Mentor for AI for Medicine Specialization offered on Coursera.
Provide guidance, advice, feedback and support to students and help them to complete the specialization.

August 2021 - Present


University of Siegen

Master of Science in Computer Science

Specialization: Embedded Syetems

October 2021 - Present

Sri Eshwar College of Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering

CGPA: 8.89 (First Class with Distinction)
Activities and societies: Vice President - Higher Education and International Relations

August 2017 - May 2021


Programming Languages
  • Tools




IICDC 2019

The main aim of our product is to utilize the golden hour of the patient by intimating the patient’s condition from the ambulance to the A & E department of the nearby hospital.


A simple implementation of a cryptocurrency in python made on top of blockchain technology.

Image Segmentation

Implementation of watershed algorithm in python using Open CV.

Digit Recognition

A simple implementation of Neural Network from scratch in python. It does not use any Deeplearning library like tensorflow and all of the functions are implemented from scratch only using numpy.
The same problem is also implemented in Tensorflow and Tensorflow.js.

Github Contributions to the community

Bcoim mining

Python Data Structures and Algorithms

This is my repository for Data Structures and Algorithms using Python. Inspired from my repo on Java DSA. This repo includes Linked List, Stack, Queue, Hash Table, Heap, Trie, Tree, Graph, Dynamic Programming, Searches, Sorting, Big O complexities and Useful tools and websites

Bcoim mining

Java Data Structures and Algorithms

This repo includes Linked List, Stack, Queue, Hash Table, Heap, Trie, Tree, Graph, Dynamic Programming, Searches, Sorting, Union Find and Bit Tricks

Bcoim mining

PHP Login Template

PHP-Login-Template is a simple login and signup system with database built with PHP, MySQLi Procedural and Bootstrap 4.
Passwords are hashed and stored, Username validation is done are some features included.


A Visual Intro to Linear Regression Math

An Interactive and Visual guide to mastering linear regression math. It is one of the most popular machine learning algorithm. It's simplicity makes it a great stepping stone to learn more complex algorithms.

Visit my page for more blogs

I publish blogs related to Computer Science, AI and Machine Learning. Stay tuned for more posts..

Awards & Certifications

  • Semifinalist - India Innovation Challenge Design Contest
    Department of Science and Technology (India) & Texas Instruments, June 2021.
  • 1 st Place - Technical Paper Presentation
    National Level Technical Symposium, Hindusthan Institute of Technology, 2019.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning Certificate

Offered by Stanford Online through Coursera

Deep Learning Specialization

Offered by through Coursera

NLP Specialization

Offered by through Coursera

AI For Medicine Specialization

Offered by through Coursera

Web Development

Offered by ZTM Academy through Udemy


Offered by SuperDataScience through Udemy