Bharathi kannan
Bharathi kannan
I publish blogs related to Computer Science, AI and Machine Learning. Stay tuned for more posts.
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Webinar on Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Webinar on Machine Learning and Deep Learning


A webinar where I explain about the basic math concepts in ML and DL. Attended by more than 200+ students all over India and got a very good feedback.

Watch in youtube - link

Ml and DL Webinar
Webinar on Machine Learning and Deep Learning - The math you need to get started. Organized by: ECE Department and Networking club.

Github repo for all the resources and a blog post for future reference

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the broad science of mimicking human abilities, machine learning is a specific subset of AI that trains a machine how to learn. Machine learning is a field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly(clearly) programmed.

Organized by:
ECE Department and Networking club, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
Resource Person
  N Bharathi kannan, IV ECE.
Staff Cordinators
  Mr. J. Dhanasekar, AP/ECE,
  Mr.S. Deepak, AP/ECE.
Student Cordinators
  M Anish, IV ECE,
  S Mantharagiri, III ECE.
College website :

Table of contents (blog)

Regression Visualization online links :

These can we viewed without installing the software

  • Linear Regression and Polynomial Regression 2D - link
  • Linear Regression and Polynomial Regression 3D - link
  • Logistic Regression 2D - link
  • Logistic Regression 3D - link 

Linear Regression Code in Scikit-learn notebook + Exercise

It includes two problems with datasets taken from kaggle and implemented for you. Includes 1 exercise for practice.

Linear Regression Code from Scratch notebook

Linear Regression Implemented from scratch in python to understand how it works. However it is not efficient as implemented using Scikit-learn.

Important links

Try experimenting with learning rate (∝)

Optimizing Learning Rate
Experiment with different learning rates and see how they affect the number of steps required to reach the minimum of the loss curve. Try the exercises below the graph.

Reinforcement learning

Google atari breakout youtube video

Alpha go Documentary

AlphaGo - Full Documentary
With more board configurations than there are atoms in the universe, the ancient Chinese game of Go has long been considered a grand challenge for artificial in...

Multi Agent Hide and Seek game from Open AI

Tensorflow Playground

Neural Network Playground
It's a technique for building a computer program that learns from data. It is based very loosely on how we think the human brain works.

Neural Networks from scratch code (bonus)

A Neural Network implemented from scratch in python to understand how it works.

Convolutional Neural Networks

Live demo

CNN Explainer
An interactive visualization system designed to help non-experts learn about Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).


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